Epstein Court Documents Reveals Bill Clinton as “Doe 36”

Epstein Court Documents Reveals Bill Clinton as “Doe 36”

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idoamebo – The former president of the United States, Bill Clinton, is one of the names that will be disclosed in the court documents related to the late sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. The documents are expected to be unsealed in the first week of 2024.

Clinton’s Ties to Epstein

Clinton had a close friendship with Epstein and flew on his private plane, known as the ‘Lolita Express’, more than 24 times. According to the pilot logs, Clinton was accompanied by underage girls on some of the flights.

A New Year’s Surprise for Epstein’s Associates

Earlier this month, it was reported that many of Epstein’s high-profile associates will face a New Year’s surprise as they may be exposed in the court documents that will be released soon.

The only John Doe who was named before ABC’s report on Clinton was Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor who asked for all the material related to him to be made public.


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The Fate of the Epstein Client List

The court documents that will be unsealed are hundreds of sealed filings that pertain to Epstein, who died in prison in 2019. The documents may reveal the names of several prominent figures, including Britain’s Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton.

ABC News reported that Clinton is identified as “Doe 36” in “more than fifty redacted filings.”

“According to court records, former President Clinton, who ABC News has learned is identified as “Doe 36,” is mentioned in more than fifty of the redacted filings. Several of those sealed or redacted entries are focused on an effort by Giuffre’s lawyers in mid-2016, first reported by ABC News, to subpoena the two-term Democratic president for deposition testimony about his relationship with Epstein.” the outlet reported.

However, the order to unseal the documents was stayed by Judge Loretta Preska, which means that the lawyers representing the “Does” have time to persuade the court to keep the names under seal. Therefore, it is uncertain if the public will ever see the full list of Epstein’s clients.

Clinton’s Denial of Visiting Epstein’s Island

A witness claimed that she saw Clinton and “2 young girls” on Epstein’s island in the Caribbean, where he allegedly abused his victims. However, Clinton’s spokesman denied the allegations and said that he never visited the island.

Gateway Pundit’s Intervention in the Case

In July 2022, lawyers from the Gateway Pundit, Marc Randazza and Jay Wolman of the Randazza Legal Group, along with GP General Counsel John Burns, filed a motion to intervene in the Guiffre v. Maxwell case in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. The motion aimed to unseal the documents related to Epstein and his associates.


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