Favour Benson Celebrates Nigerian Children

Favour Benson Celebrates Nigerian Children



In the spirit of Nigeria’s children day holding on May 27th, Mrs. Favour Benson, the Executive Director of Jashabel Touch-A-Heart Foundation (JTAH Foundation) felicitates with all Nigerian Children as they mark their day.

Favour Benson Celebrates Nigerian Children

She said that “In our daily life to make a living, we break our heads worrying about numerous things while these little treasure troves of wisdom know just how to keep it cool all the time. While we only have traces of our child-like innocence to hold on to now, let us make it a point to celebrate these childhoods nevertheless.
Furthermore, Every child is a different kind of flower and all together make this world a beautiful garden.
Never let your creativity die,” she advised.

Wishing our children A Happy Children’s Day Celebration!


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